Monday, August 5, 2013

Booming with bombs



Like a Battery



Funny Frogs!


                                                    Mmm...EDIBLE FROGS!!!!!

                                                       Oppa Froggy style!!!!


                           I will love you and hug you and kiss you and eat you, George!

                                                          THE END!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Science!: Weathering and Erosion

   "Weathering is when rock is crushed and broken down into smaller chunks. Erosion is when that rock is carried away."

    "Hey! I reviewed this in class!"

    "Is this all you got?!?"

    "Well, after all, I AM a master at this. That was just my summary!"

    "Do we REALLY need to know your summary?"

    "Umm...yes. BEACAUSE THIS IS SCIENCE!!!!!"

    "Oww...My eardrums..."

    "You are the loudest kid in the universe, Ken."


    "Yes, you are."

    I think we learned a valuble lesson from this...


the end!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Hilarious Pandas


 "We are currently looking at a panda backside..."


 I'm a code cracking, high tech, ultrasonic, back beating panda LOL!!!


WAHHABI! Look! A panda shrine!

The End!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Alphabet of items blogpost

A is for APPLE

B is for BOX

C is for CRAYON

D is for DOOR

E is for EGG

F is for FERN


H is for HINGE

I is for ICE

J is for JACKS

K is for KEYS

L is for LEG


N is for NOISE

O is for ORANGE

P is for POP

Q is for QUILT

R is for RIBBON

S is for STOP SIGN

T is for TAG

U is for U-TURN

V is for VASE

W is for WHALE


Y is for YARN

 Z is for ZEBRA

                                                                  The end!     

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Demo

Roller Coaster Tycoon 3

The game that will keep you playing for hours and hours.

There are 3 modes of play: tutorial, Main game play, and sandbox. This tutorial will tell you about the modes of play.


This mode of play will show you about what to do in the main game play. There are 8 demos, including camera position, ride placing, and custom coasters.

Main Game Play

This mode of play gives you a certain amount of money to start with, and you want to get the tycoon rank. The three ranks are apprentice, enterpreteur, and tycoon. Tycoon is the highest rank possible.


Sandbox gives you unlimited money and you can do anything you want.

The end!

The Last Hilarious Lambs




"Dude, don't stick your tounge out at me!"



"I need to be sheared..."


Hilarious Lambs 2.0


Again, a lamb that has mushrooms in its ears!


"Avenge my bite!"

I just want a patch of land to jump in!


Why is there tape on the lambs mouths?


"I have a bad feeling we're not in our Kansas farmyard anymore..."


"Mmm...cotton candy..."
"That's not cotton candy! That's a LAMB!!!!!!!!"


A lamb picture can be decieving...

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Too Many Hilarious Lambs!


"I'M FAT!"


Yup. These are lambs.


Yikes! It's a...lamb?


"I used to play soccer..."


"Seriously, don't."


"Yes, yes I do."


Cute craft, scary lamb.


Who goes there?

Even More Hilarious Lambs


Yeah, cats don't like anyone...exept for toys...




This is just creepy...

More Hilarious Lambs


Colorful! I wish I had a lamb like that!


This Lamby would like...

Why does this lamb have mushrooms in it's ears?

Hilarious Lambs


Yes you are!



Lambs are not going to have viruses in the near future.

Hydropower Energy, Biomass Energy, and Ocean Energy


   Hydropower energy is a renewable energy and can not be used up. Hydropower energy is the energy from water. This energy is a very helpful source if you are a person living near a river or lake. Hydropower energy is not available in all places though. The atacama desert is one of the dryest places on Earth. Therefore, if you need hydropower, the Atacama desert.


   Biomass energy comes from plants. Plants are most common in parks and in nature. Biomass is used for our fires in the winter as wood. Some trees give fruit that we can eat. We get our energy from plants, like basil, and from fruits, that grow on trees, and from animals that have eaten plants/the animal that ate the animal that ate the plant.


    Ocean energy can be harvested in different forms. One form is tidal energy. Tides come up only twice and go down twice each day, but reseviors that harness the energy form the tides can keep the tides in it or let it go. Another form of ocan energy is wave energy. Wave energy is energy from waves. Waves are always there, so wave reserviors can harness wave energy no problem.

                                                                  The End!

The Coolest...Coaster...EVER!(version 2)

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, I present to you, the coolest(guitar)....coaster(guitar)....EVER!(fwoomp!)(cool music)............DUN, DUN, DUN, DUN, DUN, DUN, DUN, DUN!


  School is always awesome, even when you have a migraine! First off, the school I go to has a nurse, and she is awesome with headaches. My teacher also gives snack to our class if they don't have any.


Thursday, January 31, 2013

New Cord

My computer cord was malfunctioning when I tried to use my computer, so my dad had to get it fixed. Now I have a new cord, and it works great!

   Yay for dad!